(Revealed at Mecca - contains 62 verses - 3 sections)


Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Section 1

[Najm 53:1] By oath of the beloved shining star Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him), when he returned from the Ascent.

[Najm 53:2] Never did your master stray, nor did he ever leave the right path.

[Najm 53:3] And he does not say anything by his own desire.

[Najm 53:4] It is but a divine revelation, which is revealed to him.

[Najm 53:5] He has been taught by the Extremely Powerful.

[Najm 53:6] The Strong; then the Spectacle inclined.

[Najm 53:7] And he was on the horizon of the highest heaven.

[Najm 53:8] Then the Spectacle became closer, and (he) came down fully.

[Najm 53:9] So the distance between the Spectacle and the beloved was only two arms’ length, or even less. (The Heavenly Journey of Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him – was with body and soul.)

[Najm 53:10] So Allah divinely revealed to His bondman, whatever He divinely revealed.

[Najm 53:11] The heart did not deny, what it saw. (The Holy Prophet was bestowed with seeing Allah – see also preceding verses 8,9, 10 .)

[Najm 53:12] What! So do you dispute with him regarding what he saw?

[Najm 53:13] And indeed he did see the Spectacle again.

[Najm 53:14] Near the lote-tree of the last boundary.

[Najm 53:15] Close to which is the Everlasting Paradise.

[Najm 53:16] When the lote-tree was being enveloped, by whatever around it.

[Najm 53:17] The sight did not shift, nor did it cross the limits.

[Najm 53:18] Indeed he saw the supreme signs of his Lord.

[Najm 53:19] So did you observe the idols Lat and Uzza?

[Najm 53:20] And subsequently the third, the Manat?

[Najm 53:21] What! For you the son, and for Him the daughter?

[Najm 53:22] Then that is surely a very unjust distribution!

[Najm 53:23] They are nothing but some names that you have coined, you and your forefathers - Allah has not sent any proof for them; they follow only guesses and their own desires; whereas the guidance from their Lord has come to them.

[Najm 53:24] What! Will man get whatever he dreams of?

[Najm 53:25] So (know that) Allah only is the Owner of all - the Hereafter and this world.

Section 2

[Najm 53:26] And many an angel is in the heavens, whose intercession does not benefit the least unless Allah gives permission for whomever He wills, and whom He likes.

[Najm 53:27] Indeed those who do not believe in the Hereafter, coin the names of angels like those of females.

[Najm 53:28] And they do not have any knowledge of it; they just follow assumption; and indeed assumption does not serve any purpose in place of the Truth.

[Najm 53:29] Therefore turn away from whoever has turned away from Our remembrance and has desired only the life of this world.

[Najm 53:30] This is the extent of their knowledge; indeed your Lord well knows one who has strayed from His path, and He well knows one who has attained guidance.

[Najm 53:31] And to Allah only belongs all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth, in order to repay those who do evil for what they have done, and give an excellent reward to those who do good.

[Najm 53:32] Those who avoid the cardinal sins and lewdness, except that they approached it and refrained; indeed your Lord’s mercy is limitless; He knows you very well – since He has created you from clay, and when you were foetuses in your mothers’ wombs; therefore do not, on your own, claim yourselves to be clean; He well knows who are the pious.

Section 3

[Najm 53:33] So did you observe him who turned away?

[Najm 53:34] And he gave a little, then refrained?

[Najm 53:35] Does he have knowledge of the hidden, so he can foresee?

[Najm 53:36] Did not the news reach him, of that which is mentioned in the Books of Moosa?

[Najm 53:37] And of Ibrahim, who was most obedient?

[Najm 53:38] That no burdened soul bears another soul’s burden?

[Najm 53:39] And that man will not obtain anything except what he strove for?

[Najm 53:40] And that his effort will soon be scrutinised?

[Najm 53:41] Then he will be fully repaid for it?

[Najm 53:42] And that the end is only towards your Lord?

[Najm 53:43] And that it is He Who made (you) laugh and made (you) cry?

[Najm 53:44] And that it is He Who gave death and gave life?

[Najm 53:45] And that it is He Who has created the pairs, male and female?

[Najm 53:46] From a drop of liquid, when it is added?

[Najm 53:47] And that only upon Him is the next revival?

[Najm 53:48] And that it is He Who has given wealth and contentment?

[Najm 53:49] And that He only is the Lord of the star Sirius?

[Najm 53:50] And that it is He Who earlier destroyed the tribe of Aad?

[Najm 53:51] And destroyed the tribe of Thamud, not sparing anyone?

[Najm 53:52] And before them, the people of Nooh? Indeed they were more unjust and more rebellious than these!

[Najm 53:53] And that it is He Who threw down the upturned townships?

[Najm 53:54] So they were covered with whatever covered them?

[Najm 53:55] So O listener! Which favour of your Lord will you doubt?

[Najm 53:56] He (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) is a Herald of Warning, like the former Heralds of Warning.

[Najm 53:57] The approaching event has come near.

[Najm 53:58] None except Allah can avert it.

[Najm 53:59] So are you surprised at this fact?

[Najm 53:60] And you laugh, and do not weep!

[Najm 53:61] And you are lost in play!

[Najm 53:62] Therefore prostrate for Allah, and worship Him. (Command of Prostration # 12)




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